One of the best parts of being a software developer is that I’m constantly learning. The other day that I encountered a useful application of generics that I think is worth sharing. Normally when creating a fluent interface we want the ability to chain method calls together in a variety of different orders. And often in object oriented programming we put shared functionality in a base class and extend from that. Well unfortunately, in strongly typed languages such as Java these two desires are often at odds with each other. The problem is that a base class method returning an instance of itself doesn’t know anything about its derived classes. Consider the following example:

public abstract class StandardBakedGood {

    public StandardBakedGood prepare() {
        System.out.println("preparing the kitchen");
        return this;

    public StandardBakedGood bake() {
        return this;
public class Cookie extends StandardBakedGood {

    public Cookie addFlour() {
        System.out.println("adding flour");
        return this;

The base class is only guaranteeing that a StandardBakedGood type will be returned. This means that when chaining calls together, you are effectively blocked from calling a derived class’s methods after a base class method. In the example, we can’t call any Cookie class methods after the first call to prepare().

Cookie = new Cookie()
    //.addFlour()    // inaccessible!

How can we get around this while working within the type system? Well one option is to have the child classes override the base class methods to return instances of their own type. In our example, we would have this:

public Cookie prepare() {
    return (Cookie) super.prepare();

public Cookie bake() {
    return (Cookie) super.bake();

This has some obvious downsides. First, you are relinquishing control of the method invocation since the child can do whatever it wants, and you cannot make these methods final. Second, if you want to add functionality to the base class then all of the derived classes need to be updated. All of this can be avoided if we can somehow make the base class aware of the child class’s type, and fortunately generics make that possible.

Generics to the rescue.

Consider this typical example of a derived class passing information about itself to its superclass through a constructor:

public class ChildClass extends BaseClass {
    public ChildClass() {

The basic idea is that the superclass requests information about the child, and the child provides it. However this does little for typing, and in fact creates a bad sort of dependency where we need to update the base class every time we make a new derived class. Not good! Fortunately, we can accomplish the same idea using generics. By having the base require information about the child we are able to capture the child class’s type and use that as the return type of our chained API methods.

public abstract class BakedGood<CHILD extends BakedGood<CHILD>> {

    public CHILD prepare() {
        System.out.println("preparing the kitchen");
        return (CHILD) this;

    public CHILD eat() {
        String string = new StringBuilder()
            .append("Mmm, this ").append(this.getClass().getSimpleName())
            .append(" is so tasty!")

        return (CHILD) this;

    public abstract CHILD bake();
public class Cake extends BakedGood<Cake> {

    public Cake addSugar() {
        System.out.println("adding sugar");
        return this;

    public Cake addFlour() {
        System.out.println("adding flour");
        return this;

    public Cake mix() {
        return this;

    public Cake bake() {
        System.out.println("baking at 325 degrees");
        return this;
public class Pizza extends BakedGood<Pizza> {

    public Pizza addCheese() {
        System.out.println("adding cheese");
        return this;

    public Pizza addSauce() {
        System.out.println("adding sauce");
        return this;

    public Pizza bake() {
        System.out.println("baking at 450 degrees");
        return this;

The type parameter is saying “the Child class must extend Base<Child>”, forcing the Child class to provide its own type to the type system. Now that we can return the derived class in our chained method calls we are free to alternately call methods from the base class and the derived class. The IDE will happily autocomplete for us because it knows that the objects being returned are Pizza and Cake, not just BakedGood. All of the normal polymorphic abilities are retained (you can see that we’ve implemented the abstract bake() method required by BakedGood).

Cake cake;
Pizza pizza;

cake = new Cake()


pizza = new Pizza()


The output:

preparing the kitchen
adding flour
adding sugar
baking at 325 degrees

preparing the kitchen
adding sauce
adding cheese
baking at 450 degrees

Mmm, this Cake is so tasty!
Mmm, this Pizza is so tasty!

Turning up the heat.

Hopefully you see the power of this application of generics now. We’ve managed to create a fluent API while keeping shared code in the base class of our object hierarchy. However, it gets even better. We are free to implement generic classes using this technique as well. In the following example, Pizza and Cake have been implemented as generic classes which take a type parameter. The BakedGood class has also been extended to be generic.

public abstract class GenericBakedGood<CHILD extends GenericBakedGood<CHILD, T>, T> extends BakedGood<CHILD> {

    public CHILD addSecretIngredient(T ingredient) {
        System.out.println("adding some " + ingredient);
        return (CHILD) this;
public class GenericCake<T> extends GenericBakedGood<GenericCake<T>, T> {

    public GenericCake<T> addSugar() {
        System.out.println("adding sugar");
        return this;

    public GenericCake<T> addFlour() {
        System.out.println("adding flour");
        return this;

    public GenericCake<T> mix() {
        return this;

    public GenericCake<T> bake() {
        System.out.println("baking at 325 degrees");
        return this;
public class GenericPizza<T> extends GenericBakedGood<GenericPizza<T>, T> {

    public GenericPizza<T> addCheese() {
        System.out.println("adding cheese");
        return this;

    public GenericPizza<T> addSauce() {
        System.out.println("adding sauce");
        return this;

    public GenericPizza<T> addTopping(T topping) {
        System.out.println("putting some " + topping + " on top");
        return this;

    public GenericPizza<T> bake() {
        System.out.println("baking at 450 degrees");
        return this;

The addSecretIngredient(...) method expects a generically typed parameter. Combined with the other methods, we have successfully expanded our API to make use of generic types:

GenericCake<String> cake;
GenericPizza<String> pizza;

cake = new GenericCake<String>()


pizza = new GenericPizza<String>()


And the corresponding output:

preparing the kitchen
adding flour
adding sugar
adding some Yogurt
baking at 325 degrees

preparing the kitchen
adding sauce
adding cheese
putting some Bacon on top
adding some Arugula
putting some Clams on top
baking at 450 degrees

Mmm, this GenericCake is so tasty!
Mmm, this GenericPizza is so tasty!

Looking at the declaration of GenericBakedGood, you can see how the class can be expanded to include more type parameters—in the event that more parameters are required, you can simply add their type parameters after the ‘T’:

public abstract class MapBase<CHILD extends MapBase<CHILD, K,V>, K,V> { }

public class MyMap<K,V> extends MapBase<MyMap<K,V>, K,V> { }

It’s worth pointing out that just because the GenericBakedGood class expects a type parameter doesn’t mean that the derived class itself has to be generic (this is true of all generics). In the following example, the type parameter for the secret ingredient is provided in the Muffin class’s declaration, though the Muffin class itself is not generic:

public class Muffin extends GenericBakedGood<Muffin, Muffin.Mixin> {
    public enum Mixin {
        Blueberries, Raspberries, Walnuts

    public Muffin addFlour() {
        System.out.println("adding flour");
        return this;

    public Muffin addEggs() {
        System.out.println("adding eggs");
        return this;

    public Muffin bake() {
        System.out.println("baking at 275 degrees");
        return this;

When we go to add the secret ingredient, an object of type Muffin.Mixin is required:

Muffin muffin = new Muffin()

preparing the kitchen
adding flour
adding eggs
adding some Blueberries
baking at 275 degrees

Mmm, this Muffin is so tasty!


Developing a highly useable API is one of the more interesting challenges of software architecting. In a strongly typed language such as Java, we must be especially clever about how we declare our methods so that we can ensure the greatest possible compatibility. Some other solutions to this particular problem would require modifying the base class whenever a new derived class is created, or forcing the derived classes to override the base class methods themselves. Both of these fly in the face of good design, where shared functionality is defined only once in the object hierarchy (the DRY principal) and the dependencies only flow in one direction (that is, a parent should not depend on its children).

Java generics have a bad reputation, being added on late in the game, and indeed there are many times that I want to pull my hair out when something doesn’t work as expected at runtime. However the principals described here should be applicable to any strongly typed language with generics as a feature. I think you’ll agree that the gains in readability of your API are worth the little hassles and the extra bulk of the class signatures. So try it out; go forth and create something of your own. Show those programmers working with dynamic languages that you can be beautiful too!


I learned about using generics like this while talking with a colleague at a coffee shop. The best article I was able to find on the topic was this one. Some practical applications of fluent API’s can be found here and here. The example code detailed in this post is written in Java, is free to use, and can be downloaded here.
UPDATE: It has a name! First pointed out in C++, it is often called the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, or CRTP.